So it seems Fox Gear Chip design colors has been leaked...
Got Golem Rock and Barcelona Buster today!
A new bey is revealed in corocoro magazine 🐉
A problem as be
Completed December's main lineup over the new year and now waiting for Golem Rock.
I just won a Hellschain. Is there anyone who has redeemed/claimed their prize Bey in Taiwan? Really don't know the next step to get this. 😅 Thanks for your help!
Is playing with heavily oxidized beyblade dangerous?
Credit to @Godeze from Discord
Wave 3 Boosters found at GameStop :0
The only right way to use KnightMail
Windows Embedded Standard
Today's lucky find when I was searching for Blast Jinnius lmao.
Knight Mail Set and Weights
First impression of Samurai Saber
If Knight Shield/Lance got a new BX or UX variant How would you handle it? Would you make it BX or UX,How Heavy would you make it,What new parts and what would you name it and What Color?
Beyblade X UX-10
From the G1 today
Went beyblade shopping in Korea. This toys R us had some great stuff!
After many drafts, my new Goku fan-card puts a twist on the Active Skill mechanic!
Newest additions to the collection
Just went to a ChongQing,China B4 store,kinda disappointed that the release are slower then I thought
was hellschain always smooth?
got my first 2 x beyblades :)