I sure love spending 30$ for 9-70
Every. Single. Time
Rod really did an Xtreme dash infitite
This is a concerning amount of broken beys for a hobby that has lasted less than a year
Whale was about to lose
My tier list on some X products
My tier list on some X releases based the value they give
A cool case i found for my beys
The only right way to use KnightMail
Mail day :D
Aero pegasus finally coming to regions outside Japan!!!
Is this DranBuster still tournament legal?
Is it really L-Drago or...
Won my first local tournament with these bad boys. I feel like went back to the old days
Crazy reference by Gege
Pure gold Dransword will be the prize for the upcoming tournament!
Prize for the upcoming tournament in Octorber: A pure gold Dransword that worth 1 Million Yen !!!
Rate my deck, how good of a chef i am?
Sneakpeak of WhaleWaves against Wizard Rods combos
Fashion rant: Please give option to remove helmet/head decoration
Thoughts on Luna?
Bug or am i just super unlucky
Luna is a skip character
About Luna Bundle
Why do I feel like there are not that many DB (Disc Ball) bit combos? I know the bit is good though right?