My brother wants a cologne, best recommendation please
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What does my boyfriend and I's fridge say about us
Advice on how to clear this and start saving money?
I'm sorry but...
I feel like my life is over, but it had to be done
What does my fridge say about me?
What are we thinking guys
Explain my fridge
What’s your SOTD?
All of these people asked to borrow money and repay in less than a month. For most, It’s been years.
Cologne will NOT get you laid
What good colognes can i get on a 50$ and under budget?
AITAH telling girlfriend that she gave me the 'ick' at a family dinner?
Forgot food in crockpot and the lid won’t stop stinking
How many of you guys struggle with drug addiction?
Draw my cat? He has no eyelids
Some guy came into my store saying he only came in because he heard me playing peep then he shows me this
am i the only one who doesn’t really get withdrawals?
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Just disgusting.
Life of a Degenerate Gambler pt 2
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