A decent man holding up the leaning tower of fascism.
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Note for devs: Subscription fee is far too high and you are losing sales.
How do I increase my bank account limit?
Elon being the "smartest man" is the worst joke ever
The "Bitcoin reserve" isn't happening and I'm sick of hearing about it
This is what I see yesterday at the Oceanside pier in San Diego county ,I’m tired of people taking this as a joke ..
Using NOAA free api data to get wave height
Grew my account from 0 to 250k+ followers in one month
Re-using email campaigns?
No more development cards?
Social Team got dissolved for the moment
Do Reddit users actually convert?
Are all online courses this mid?
Where/how do you sell your stained glass art?
Pedestrian deaths are NEVER "unfortunate accidents".
Need suggestions for a projector for under $1,200
Surfing Advice
Thoughts on casual retractable screen + 1080p projector setup for bedroom?
Help finding the best (budget) home projector/screen set up
Using Your Imagination, What Should Be Put Here?
A guest told me my home looked “staged,” like an Airbnb, and needed more personal touches
Simulation of a retaliatory strike against Russia after Putin uses nuclear weapons.
Do catholics believe in evolution? At what point do you draw the line, or how far back do you accept evolution until it contradicts your beliefs?
Is sin from time to time going to send me to hell?