Joe and Pacey
How to play against Poppy top?
Is it the best to kidnap tanks/bruisers in mid/late game nowadays?
How broken is Ksante?
How are you supposed to play vs this character?
Do you think Darrow has to die?
Grasp or aftershock ?
Secondary rune page?
How good or bad idea it is to take flash and ghost in top lane?
Why lock in talon?
How bad is going even in lane on new K'sante?
Ksante vs irelia
What champion would you like gone from the game?
Best Ksante Lanes
I’m confused as to when to take which runes/items (Top Lane)
Why is Aatrox into yone such a bad matchup
Poppy Top?
What's a small but important mechanic a champion has that you think not enough people are aware of?