What is the best album of 1994?
Canadian oil Pipelines to the United States
The Recent Canadian Pride Is Funny, Because They Would Be Invaded Without U.S protection.
Canada and the EU didn't steal US manufacturing jobs
Corey Feldman relicing a very expensive upright bass at NAMM 2025.
Name the corresponding capos with the countries!
Thank goodness that ice is gone! Hopefully it’ll be another decade before we experience that again!
I like color…
I still have solid ice in my driveway. I can’t wait for it to be gone.
Inside of the suitcase from Pulp Fiction. (1994)
What would you do?
Y’all see this bullshit
Woodstock boomers when Jimi Hendrix sloppily plays pentatonic licks with his amp turned up really loud
Colors are cool, which car Manufacturer do you associate with the color ORANGE?
Who else rocked pegged jeans like a vintage fashion icon?
Really curious. What do Magats think of Idiocracy?
Magic cigarette re-appearing during Eruption live without a net?
Yeah I hate it
Don’t forget Corning cars. Throwing corn at cars was what the BAD kids would do.
From what age are smiling friends?
We will likely never see the unity of a post 9/11 America ever again
I turned 45 today. Is it ok if I hang out with you guys?
She needs to go back to school
Why did Eddie remove the neck pickup from his Les Paul?
Found in storage.