What’s something critical that a disturbing number of people don’t know?
A message to people living with African Parents.
Getting Another Birb Tomorrow!!!!
Why do Christian Women get pregnant all the time, even right after having a baby?
What things should you never say to a pregnant lady over 35?
Are mating behaviors in monkeys instinctual?
Do new world monkeys i.e white faced capuchins only breed when they are in estrus and how do the males know it?
Do monkeys have the instinct to care their young?
Would you have kids with someone who has bad genetics?
Sibling Dynamics in African households are so abnormal.
African Christianity is something else.
What was one thing your Fiancé/Fiancee did that stopped you from getting married to them?
How do African parents still stay married?
What was the worst thing your wife did before?
Any of you had a brother who became toxic as their parents?
Conure favorite person
What’s one thing that you find so rude but others don’t?
If you could vanish 1 person for eternity, who will it be and why?
What is one thing your mother did that you will never forget?
What stopped you from having kids?
What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you during sex?
What stopped you from getting married?
What is one thing that made you lose your faith in your religion?
AITBA for not inviting my parent’s friends to our wedding?
White faced capuchin weaning?