Why did the Dbacks never wear these when they announced them in 2020?
The Curly Fry Trilogy
What is going on with Wallows?
2025 Diamondbacks Youth Jerseys Just Dropped
be normal
Model & More Songs
My vinyl collection!
If Wallows were to have any features in a feature project, who would you like to see?
song leaks from deluxe 😛
Recent pics from Nico. I hope he is good...
what’s your most unpopular wallows opinion??
My tier list
Idc, I will forever defend this song
I don’t like YNFS that much.
Is it just me or does Harvey Elliot from Liverpool F.C this look kind of like braeden with blond-ish hair?
Everybody is talking about Nuñez (deservedly) but my oh my how I missed this fellow!
is it just me who sees it😓
Me after seeing the latest Dodgers’ signing (Tanner Scott)
after some late night driving and re-listening…
Senior quote suggestions
Since everyone else has been doing tier lists
cancel me
Future album hint?
judge my tier list 😬
Inquiry: Which US States match which European Countries/Nations?
took the time to fill it out for myself, lmk what yall think