Mening over het feit dat er weinig vrouwen in de r/Belgium2 subreddit zitten?
Wat na werkloosheid
122 slachtoffers door vuurwerk tijdens eindejaar, spoedartsen pleiten voor totaalverbod: “Als zo’n auto vol vuurwerk ontploft, is dat hetzelfde als een aanslag”
Hey guys why are you neet, in my case it is involuntary. Please tell yours and how are you managing life and things in general.
I wanna get out of NEETdom have a social life and make money but I don’t even know where to start
Is Frans aan een opmars bezig in de Vlaamse Rand? “In sommige winkels word ik aangesproken in het Frans, dat is toch niet normaal?”
Bevriezing mbt de indexatie voor uitkeringen
Slowly getting social anxiety?
To exist is to inflict death and suffering
Our lives are a speck of dust in the universe
To exist is to inflict suffering and death
Has anyone tried to work (part time) in order to alleviate boredom during the week?
I enjoy normies succeeding in the corporate life
The NEET schedule, with impact font
Wanneer worden de belastingteruggave gestort van belastbaar jaar 2023?
How many of you don't have a social life either?
Part time job to alleviate the boredom a good or bad idea?
What’s your relationship like with your parents?
What should I do living with a disability but eager to work?
are your parents still working?
Whats keeping you a neet?
Difficulties accepting that I can't hold down a job for long due to disability.
R u good with money?
For those of you who are 20+ living with your parents, do you feel that they respect your privacy as an adult?