Im 42 years old, suffered insomnia and sleep issues throughout my life, I was just diagnosed with adhd.
Cybertruck driver left me this wild threatening note because I glared at him for parking in a handicap spot with no ADA placard
Whoever is reporting me day and night, f*** you.
How far is your commute ?
Did antidepressants make your ADHD worse?
Trading in my old car but there was not a way to report some of the issues on it and we are budgeted in for what they valued it as and our new car purchase.
Study Finds 60% of Adults with ADHD Have Sleep Disorders, Including Insomnia and Restless Leg Syndrome
My mother in law cleaned and organized one of my doom piles
Ever looked up your used cars history and felt emotional?
I can't believe he replied
[UPDATE] AIO my neighbours dog keep using my front yard as a toilet
Close call Temecula, California
Is it an ADHD thing to “only need” 5 hours of sleep?
Medical loa
Talking to dead loved ones in dreams
The Daniel shift
I’m going to stop trying to get a diagnosis. I don’t know why it’s so hard.
Trans at Amazon
Oh well
Well 400 mile road trip took a few extra hours but i made it
No hit on my credit score?
Carvana delays pickup appointment again - any recourse due to their delay?
Change in Price
LOL WTF is this bullshit?!
Doctor told me my lifelong insomnia since childhood is due to being on my phone too much and drinking soda too close to bedtime