What nationality would Darius be if he lived in our world?
I think this might be it guys
What champion stacks heartseel the best?
What's the stupidest thing you did when you first played the game?
Jakimi slowami zainicjowac zwiazek
Just bought a new mouse and it arrived with this weird stain - any tips on how to remove this?
Nsfw question. My explanation was in layman’s terms.. but am I tripping? lol?
składanie kompa a Windows
Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal reached, US source tells 'Post'
Dlaczego chorzy chodzą do roboty albo szkoły?
Comment any album, Top comment ill listen to 5x
Why is there hardly any mods for the stryfe X?
Serek Philadelphia
UAM zwolnił wykładowcę, który miał złe oceny (w ankietach) od studentów.
More than 1000 days putin kills innocent Ukrainians. This is business center today. People died.
Reptile responds to the reaction of his "clip against Tahm Kench"
Massive kakobuy haul part 1/3
10KG Kakobuy haul to Poland
Oto najlepszy ser do sernika
France tells Israel to withdraw its forces from Syria buffer zone
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
Ciekawy plakat w Łodzi