Car Died While Driving – Thought It Was the Clutch, Shop Says I Need a New Engine
deathcare will be the death of me
Estuve en la cita de la Visa Americana y es una mierda
Colombianos que han viajado, consideran que eso de que las colombianas son de las más hermosas del mundo es verdad?
Question it is better to play with all unlocked and infinite money or just play regular to get achievements ?
problem with my 4k brio
Whom did you save
Colombianos en paises de primer mundista vale la pena tener una carrera universitaria? Y ejercerla
Vision Widgets 1.1 - HomeKit Widgets 👀
My Thoughts on AVP After 1 Day
How do people just randomly have lawyers?
There’s more than just windows to be placed around.
Prototype: Blender real-time mirroring in visionOS
Soaking it in
Networth does not contain manually inputted crypto
Question to Fidelity Cash Account Users
I have been using mint for over 10 years and checking it daily
What was your experience dating a guy who travels a lot/digital nomad?
Men, if someone gave you a box of everything you have ever lost, what’s the first thing you’d look for?
Monthly AmEx Referral Thread
Problem with Acorns
Starting to get really frustrated bc almost every single home I want to use requires packs
I was in full HODL mode not checking crypto news. Then a buddy told me about Celsius today. RIP $123K (4.6BTC + 23 ETH)
Can UST ever get back to 1-1 peg?
Anchor on-ramp for a newbie