Copper mountain trail ratings are nonsense, where to go?
Honest Trail Map - Copper Mountain
Need Boot Recommendation
Looking for a new board, which of these 3 would you choose?
These are my favorites. What else should I listen to?
Past Workers of Ski Resorts, Any advice for someone who is about to spend their first season as a Lifty?
Suprise! You have slept with the main character of the last tv show you watched. How (un)happy are you?
What do y'all listen to when your snowboarding?
Infiltrator - Remnants of Battle
What's the funniest costume/Outfit at school you've ever seen?
Can’t create fan account?
Any Lakeside Lean-to Campsites within short walking distance of parking distance?
Past Employees of Copper Mountain, what was the job like?
Looking for metal songs that use non metal instruments. I made a little playlist that I’ll add your recs to
Should I work at a ski resort?
Around a Year ago, I made a post asking if I should try to work at a Ski Resort. Here is an update.
I found a Hidden Gem of Death Metal
Where do you think i should travel next? (20yo)
Should I take a lift op or ski instructor job at deer valley?
Singular best scream in a song?
Need more underground fuzzy bands
Artists: What Does Your Song Writing Process Look Like?
People who ONLY listen to rock, what do you listen to?
What is the best way for a woman to make a man happy?
Say something nice about Neji