Is this anyone else's experience?
I can't believe it's only been about 3 weeks
Fuck this shit ay!
Did you guys tell their SO about your diagnosis?
Couldn’t stand Fiona
Pretended to be dead?
Rewatching the early seasons of Shameless for like the millionth time. This scene still brings me to tears.
Yes, Kevin is a bad person and bad parent too.
how old were you when you first felt like you lost yourself mentally?
What’s one thing you know that’s bad for you, but can’t let go?
Why do you do it
are we easily manipulated?
chronic feeling of boredom?
Is giving yourself the equivalent of a small paper-cut still self harm?
Diagnosed today..
Are you still friends with your ex?
What are some tricks that have helped you with splitting?
I disapoint him
What are your most hated characters in Shameless? I can't stand Sheila and Debbie!!!!!
i do sexual things i don't want so i can have the affection that comes with it
My aunt caught my scars
Do you struggle with empathy?
Cheating on Partner