Did the breakup trigger depression in you?
What does our fridge say?
What did you learn about yourself throughout all of this process?
He came back and wants to be together
What are ways to get cheap groceries?
Why do you think we try and fix them?
I don’t understand why I have to work on myself now
I finally reached my breaking point with her
She’s the first person I ever dated that is avoidant
How can I adjust to the fact that she may never be in my life again?
Breakup with a FA - it’s crushing me
Social anxiety while being abroad on Erasmus
Why do some many people have absolutely no problem to take unnecessary flights?
Ich kann den Wilhelmsschrei echt nicht mehr hören
Struggling with Vulnerability, Social Rejection, and Feeling Like I Don’t Belong
What do you do for regulating your emotions on a daily basis?
How did you know that it’s Vulnerable Narcissism, not BPD or something else?
What are good ways to ‘deprogram’ myself and become a better human being despite having narcissistic traits?
Ich weiß, das hier werden nicht alle mögen.
Hate to get political, but...
Self-aware, yet still self-delusional
Zugedeckt und schlafen gelegt
Serienempfehlung von Jan auf Netflix
Kyle MacLachlan lip-syncing to Charli XCX’s “The girl, so confusing version with lorde” on TikTok
Loneliness, Social Isolation and missing emotional connection to others
What advice would you give to a german Erasmus-student?