Personality, kindness, talent, skill, none of it can make up for being ugly. The world constantly makes us feel like we don't deserve to be happy or included until we become ATTRACTIVE. The only saving grace is plastic surgery
Calling somebody ugly in an insulting manner should be illegal
Ugly server advice
Does anyone else experience people making it seem like they don’t wanna work with you bc youre ugly? And experience people not helping you and automatically hating you even though you didn’t do anything to them?
I fucking hate people
“Work on your attitude and personality”
A recent brutal experience of mine
"they must sense you're desperation"
Why do people get mad when we don’t speak to them if they don’t speak to us or don’t WANT TO talk to us in the first place?
Mistreatment in the work environment just for being ugly
Would you rather be ugly and rich or pretty and poor?
“Wow, you’re so pretty.”
The neglect and disregard that comes with being ugly is really tiring
This is why people hate when we call ourselves ugly because THEY want to be the ones to do it to be able to put us down
When you try venting to your coworker about being mistreated and hated for being ugly and they “they’re just jealous” like no they treat us like that because we’re just ugly
Anyone just get bitter thinking about how easier their life would be if they looked normal at the VERY least?
I don't know why people on reddit say that i have good facial features but in real life im been constantly mocked because of my appearance.
The ugly lifestyle is based off of EXPERIENCE
When you realize that you’re ignored, mistreated, and stifled in life due to your appearance it really pisses you off
Is it just me that sees this as lookism proof???
The Innocents (2000-2003) by Taryn Simon, showing the faces of people who served time in prison for violent crimes they did not commit.
People getting annoyed by your presence JUST because you're ugly even though you're not doing anything wrong
I feel like one of the worst parts abt being ugly is
Feel like you annoy people and can't understand why, so you relate it to your looks?
Reason number 453 why I hate being ugly