Just got the PB Verse Pro Color
Can someone be interested in you and also not ready for a relationship?
Gezakt voor C rijbewijs
Er word steeds minder Nederlands gesproken.
Welke serie kijken jullie telkens opnieuw?
Welke Nederlandstalige boeken zijn wèl leuk?
3 months in with Verse Pro Color
What do you prefer about e-readers over physical books?
Welke series moet iedereen bekeken hebben? (Inspiratie gekregen van de filmlijst.
Pocketbook Verse Pro Color with Koreader
So glad it's not just me... Anyone tried exposure therapy?
I thought I’d start with a Kobo Libra 2 but…
Ereader with the size of a Kobo Clara BW
Picked up an ancient Sony PRS 300!
Which European country has the rudest/least polite people?
Aflevering 5
Most women do NOT care about this kinda stuff as long as they’re loyal and respectful.
Being late is disgustingly normalized among friends
Studieschuld, eigen schuld?
Attractive people of Reddit: how do you know you’re attractive?
Aflevering 4
Why are women across the world okay with being called Mrs after getting married when there is no other title change for men?