do you know whats gonna happen next world tour stop
Why must this game toy with me?
Old battle passes should come back in locker so people can buy it again if they missed it ..lots of games doing it .. what you guys think about expired battle pass !!
Satisfying 4K with the Spear
OTTR Griefing his own team mates
The apes are rebelling
nvidia shadowplay taking too much storage, pls help
My grenade loves me i guess
Have you ever hit someone with Pizzas?
Not saying I don't have issues with the game but this sub for the last 5 seasons has been overly doom-pilled.
Why Fight When You Can Just Talk It Out?
Question: is it really that hard just to put a sorry on a chat wheel?
I'm done. I will no longer be playing the finals.
Can I create an auto-updating modpack for my friends?
This was a fire update (as a heavy/medium player) yall are babies.
Getting your player base excited for a long awaited patch and then just having a bunch of nerfs is a Feelsbadman.
Why would they remove this....? Embark is slowly patching everything fun out of this game.... :/
Peak wheel moment.
that one heavy on the other side of the map
No light, medium or heavy mains were asking for these medium nerfs lol
People complain all season about Stun Gun but the Heavy and Medium nerfs come first
I like the extra slots. Wish we got some more stuff like this.
Mid-Season Update 5.8.0
One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me in the game.
How to escape the Stun Gun as Heavy [Working 100%]