UMass will pay student who made half-court $10,000 after insurance company said his foot was on line
Son finds his father's ghost
Set and forget strategy with $250k
This was supposed to happen
My wife (non-Australian) said we don't need fairy bread at our 6yo's birthday party... should I get a divorce?
Who is the ideal male role model for young men?
2024 Ep 277 - Jack’s Unbelievable Request!
We have got no way guys!
The Russian money wasn't enough?
Steven Seagal in Kursk helping the Russian army.
TIL that Five Guys provides extra fries and piles them into the bottom of the bag, so customers think they got a great deal; albeit this is already calculated into the total price. Jerry Murrell, its founder, claims it's better for customers to feel that they their serving of fries was too large.
“How do you like my garbage truck?”
Over 100 women commit mass suicide in Sudan's Al Jazirah
Who would be at fault here?
What company are you convinced actually hates their customers?
In a Relationship with Andrew Joseph
Suncorp told to scrap 60 per cent hike of home insurance premium
Sennheiser CX Plus Wireless - Connection issues
How couples met 1930-2024
Brutal 💀
Skydiving instructor at California center that's seen 28 deaths gets prison time
As Promised… GIVEAWAY!!!
Coarser grind tastes better?! [Sage Bambino+ w Sette 270]
Whose border patrol was it?
The washer and dryer in my apartment. Doing laundry is even more infuriating than it looks