GTA 6 PC Players on release day
First Word you see is your brawl stars persona
Knihy, které by si měl každý přečíst
Favorite character that can use a gun
Favorite 4th wall breaking character?
Markéta getting ratioed.
I did well.
Ne každá dívka, která má piercing v pupíku je pornoherečka, ale téměř každá pornoherečka má v pupíku piercing.
“This was the trailer we were all waiting for”
No heal for you
Not again right?
SŠ a Chemie?
Today is the day
Type any Brawl stars characters name with your eyes closed
Type any fnaf characters name with your eyes closed
Greatest Show of All Time
Where did you start?
Pry se v usa "rozpadá demokracie", čtu prave tady na redditu. Pokud je tohle rozpad demokracie, tak nevím kam by vedla dalsi vláda demokratů
Never upgrading this guy
This shit is diabolical
Favorite American?
I just committed suicide. What FNAF quote should I use?
Meet the green demo man and scout
Česká televize vařila