Here is a photo President Clinton took with America's most famous intern at the start of their sexual affair
Katharina Detzel,a mental patient who built her own man out of the straw in her bed,1910
The most enigmatic structure in cell biology: The Vault. For 40 years since its discovery, we still don't know why our cells make these behemoth structures. Its 50% empty inside. The rest is 2 small RNA and 2 other proteins. Almost every cells in your body and in the animal kingdom have vaults.
A Japanese research team has developed a drug that can regrow human teeth.
The Wife Carrying World Championships have been held annually in Sonkajärvi, Finland, since 1992: the prize for the winner is the wife's weight in beer
Jumping in water but coming back after touching it:
Breaking open 47lbs geode , the water inside probably being millions of years old
Detail of inlaid eye belonging to the "Seated Scribe", 2600-2350 BCE. Crafted from red-veined white magnesite and rock crystal. The polished crystal was covered in the back with a material used to create the color of the iris
Bus stops in korea
The strongest punch in the world.
The entrance of this furniture store looks like this:
This is how chameleon changes it's colour (they actually don't change colour) :
Muay Thai fighter, Lerdsila Chumpairtour, displays the top tier reflexes and reaction time whichmade him the world champion
What causes cramp
Mario being replaced with Michael Jackson , looks pretty cool:
Friendly panguin checking what's humans are doing at such place
This is what dying cell looks like
This is how mashroom drops it's spores
Grandma broke her nose hiking and didn't want the helivac. She won $450k lawsuit .
Weird domino effect caused by the release Potential energy .
This accident was actually real. Actress and other improvised since it fit the scene well
This is how your internet works. This is how we all the connected with each other across the globe.
How this old man handles this young robber :
A skull of a man with Proteus syndrome, a rare condition characterized by overgrowth of bones, skin, muscles, fatty tissues, and blood and lymphatic vessels
In japan this is how people work from home using a robot