Bicyclists: what's your worst wreck?
Happiness is seeing someone you love ... until they see you and close the blinds.
A deficit is what you have when you don't have as much as you had when you had nothing.
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
How do i grow weed?
Thoughts on napping?
What is some relatively minor thing you do regularly that makes you recognize you’re old ?
WTW for someone who doesn't know what they are talking about, but talks anyway?
How come everyone on Reddit hates Trump but it's the opposite on Instagram or Twitter?
Half a bolt? fell out of my >10 year old office chair. How can i correctly identify the bolt to replace it?
My ex got fired from her job as a massage therapist because as it turns out she rubs people the wrong way.
I wanted to start growing for a while, but I always feel super overwhelmed
When do you most often listen to podcasts?
Write "Refuse" on USPS?
Opportunity knocks only once, but temptation bangs on your door for years.
How common were spankings at school?
When I told the mechanic he’d broken the steering on my car, he replied “that’s a matter of a pinion”
Outside an IQ test, what behavior, habit, or ability most accurately signals intelligence/high IQ in your opinion?
[Academic] Americans' thoughts on gun control (U.S. Only)
What is the best quote for morning?
Why don’t some people wear seat belts?
Redditors who wear prescription glasses, what do you do with your old glasses once you get new ones?
Small leak in my shoes. Anything better than superglue?
Which stand-up comedian has your favorite style of humor?