coward accusing me of using cheats. (watch till the end)
Item exchange pointless for the vast majority of things
only if we had hard mode!
extract camping the extract campers!
cheater compensation system is needed asap.
Why am I so bad at this game? I always seem to die so quickly
found another rocket fuel spawn!
Toxik is kinda underwhelming.
is it good?
i found a rocket fuel and got killed by cheaters...
did the explosives mission and got stuck without the keycard so i had to improvise!
New Shield Operator - Season 2
Going in with the best set you got just to die to a team of 3 cheaters. read comments.
i think the boss on space citry is over-exaggerating!
Come on now, this isn't funny
friends were off so I decided to do a farm run, I found these bots teaming up and camping the dam extract button
Anyone found the mysterious David Room Keycard yet?
I called and command answered
Where is my loot tho?!?!?!?!??!
are we just ignoring the fact that they said there is a cheater compensation system and there isn't?
Delta Force’s anti-cheat works. This person tested it.
Does anyone else experience this bug? any fix?
season pass incoming?
I love that the devs are actually listening to the community!
What's your favorite weapon and your most used weapon by now?