stereotypical things you do as your moon sign ✨️
What does my fridge say about me?
What’s your moon and Venus?
Seeking validation keeps you trapped!
Footprints in the snow not mine or boyfriends
who’s your comfort youtuber?
Is there a word you just HATE?
Excuse me, are you gonna eat that?
42f I've had a rough yr and trying to find the strength to leave a toxic relationship. I feel very gross and old low self esteem
Should i see a sex worker before my 22nd birthday this month?
Which celebrity death devastated you the most?
What’s your useless superpower?
What is the best fruit or vegetable to defend yourself with if you are attacked in the produce section at the store?
What three words do you see below? 👇 ( Credits - Tim Han Success Insider )
I want to draw my character a friend. Any ideas on what?
Can someone explain to me my birth chart or tell me what it means about me
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
30f. people pleaser/unaware weirdo. Bring back my school trauma. xP
What’s the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
What food do you swear tastes better as leftovers?
Have you ever been on TV? Where and why?
This kindergarten homework my son got.
What are you a whore for?
Where do you see yourself in 1 hour be honest?
What is worse than death?