2 wildflower paintings, which do you prefer?
San Diego Sunset Bliss
Golden Hour on the SoCal Coast
California sunset
Really is America's finest city
Found this while walking- made my day :) [OC]
Pleasant surprise while walking
Found at a Marriott hotel
Interesting find at hotel giftshop...
ELI5: How do some lakes end up saltier than the ocean like the dead sea, where does the salt even come from?
How to get a job with a bad work history gap.
This took a while let me know what you think!
4-month-old wanting to get into med school. How to be proactive? Do I have a chance?
California really has its moments
Novice painter — would love some critique
AITA for Lying About Getting Into a Top University Because My Parents Were Pushing Me So Hard?
Interested in opinions
AITA for refusing to give my family money and considering leaving them over it?
Med School fears
🌊 I cant get over California's beauty
🌊I want to calm down so that I can be reassured
How do I get tags beside my username?
Hey how much karma do you need to post in certain subreddits? Or is it the same amount for all? Ty! Hope you all get karma
Credit line balance to under $1 what to buy now McLaren Ferrari …?
local band Garage concerts in SD?