What are some Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid?
Watching Celtics live without cable
Switch over to AI job
Options Questions Safe Haven Thread | Sep 18-24 2023
AITAH because I told my girlfriend I’m not having sex with her without a condom or without a test?
Made fun of during a live coding round for using JavaScript
Is it fair to try and give each other free alone time, with a newborn?
AITA for not trying harder to let my ex know our son passed
I wouldn't mind learning it late, honestly. just in case of emergencies
At least it can't get worse... Damnit!
USB-B Switch with all ports in the back
AITA for telling my mom that she can stay in my house but not my stepdad or his son's family?
AITA for not letting my sister believe that she can talk to a bird?
What is information and why can't it be destroyed?
Options Questions Safe Haven Thread | August 22-27 2022
AITA for telling my sister I will no longer give her my breast milk?
AITA for refusing to let my future husband lie about the house he and I purchased during his 'groom speech'?
Horizon Forbidden West - Bug Reports
[Serious] Why do you buy OnlyFan’s content when adult content is available online for free?
switching from python to almost any other programing language
What’s something that is totally normal in movies, but never happens in real life?
First Year: what’s dads role?
Help! 1 yo developed car sickness
9/11 chess game
How I'd deal with the Spider-man situation