The Best Bow User In this Game <3
How do I get to this Island?
How far along are you in the main questline? ^^
reverie butterflies
Banshee quest won’t resolve?
The hardest unknown mechanic in 1.8 pvp
I'm so done with how Karma happens to me EVERYTIME
Infinity Nikki has reached over 10 million downloads worldwide!
How f2p freindly this game will be?
i’m literally going to buy a whole new console/pc just for this game.
Ziping Yin - Star - Autumn Tale already given out?
Please help me 😭
NA server find friends play together
I rarely see anyone talk about this, but you genuinely might be stuck cause of your device if you play on a laptop.
Judge some of my most recent builds!
My montage from 4 years ago.
Give it to me straight, rn all I got is scuffed gear, how bad is this:
Who could use this?
Food reviews for vegetarians!
115 was a nail bitter. Should have given more eff to Lidica
i cannot take it any longer
Which stages have Stuns?
Microsoft: Official Support Thread
Why can’t you recover a stolen Microsoft account