Disa fakte që...
📈Kosovo reached its highest-ever Corruption Perceptions Index score in 2024. The 2nd in the Western Balkans after Montenegro.
Kultisti ne akcion: Don me anulu voten per opoziten
Respekt per LDK-ne nese veq e mbajne kete qendrim deri ne fund
Match Thread: Manchester City vs Real Madrid | 2024-25 UEFA Champions League, Knockout Round Playoffs - 1st Leg
Let's confuse new Dota 2 players
40% pse?
Who defeated at least 3 of the 9 managers with the most won games in the UEFA Champions League? (Ancelotti, Guardiola, SAF, Wenger, Mourinho, van Gaal, Klopp, Simeone, Benítez)
Nuk duket se ka me pas Kurti 3 ne projkesionin aktual
Kosova viteve te fundit
Edhe ni sukses i zgjedhjeve ne Kosove
Voter turnout is a let down
A mendoni qe LDK PDK me AAK kan me ba koalicion bashk me formu qeverin?
[Real Madrid] Following tests carried out on Lucas Vázquez today by the Real Madrid Medical Services, he has been diagnosed with a muscle injury in his left hamstring.
A esht e vertet kjo?
Deri në ora 11:00 kanë votuar 8.6% votues
root of all tinkers hero concept problems
Real Madrid [1] - 1 Atletico Madrid - K. Mbappé 50'
Richard Grenell will be the end of the balkans.
Ju banues në Ks, sa ndikon gjëndja në veriun e Kosovës në përditshmërinë e juve?
Serbian student protesters made a video about the protests
Political Megathread - 8 February
Fuck politics, what’s your favorite drink/soda
Pse në Kosovë përdoret emri "Berat"?