Are you s denier or a believer of this item?
What to fill the last box?
R/hitlerrule34 has been banned
President Donald Trump announced that it will be official federal policy to recognize only 2 genders. Will that cause millions of deaths?
What’s r/mfdoom‘s opinions on The Weeknd?
Least Favorite Enemy?
im tired
How could this be interpreted in any other way?
Does watching porn actually have any benefits at all?
The Human Need for Belief
Just unsubbed from kamikaze by words. The British literally laugh at children dying just to push a stupid agenda.
just unsubbed from fakedisordercringe because its clear they just like making fun of clearly mentally ill people (even if they are lying a mentally healthy person wouldn't post this.)
What is your 2001 AOTY
What is your “I did not care for the Godfather” take on Tyler?
Pro-Palestinians, if Palestine is created "from the river to the sea" and it is an authoritarian Islamic theocracy run by Hamas that deported all Israeli citizens, is that preferrable to the existence of Israel?
Yall think Kwite's watched this?
What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” metal take?
Guess the name of the band by the crappy logo (not a real band)
How do you feel about the LGBTQ community?
What are the flags on this 1673 painting?
Will you press the button
What's one boss, no matter how many times you face them, you always take damage on? I'll start
Who is the better leader?
All Taxes should be abolished.