Favorite lyricist?
Got to Elite finally!
Players similar to Charlton?
Tory Lanez best underrated songs in your opinion?
Favourite ST for up to a mil?
Biggest discrepancy between xG and the actual result I ever experienced, of course on the losing side
Best value for money RW? If you have other suggestions leave them in the comments
This community ❤️
Any heroes/icons for around 100k worth it?
Lautaro or Dybala?
Drop in quality for Messi100?
EAFC tips and info?
Any info appreciated!
Messi100 1st order
83x25 paid off
Fut Draft glitch?
Favourite players for under 500k?
Not a single shapeshifter
Sorry I just need to share this to someone 😂
I know it's nothing spectacular but after always getting 11 I finally got 14 for the first time! I even was a couple of Ter Stegen saves away from 16, absolutely buzzing! The rewards were trash though lol
Didn't pack a single Serie A TOTS and then this 85x3 happened and I got my favourite LB in the game!
Got some high rated fodder, best SBC to start?
W or L from Icon SBC?
Worst WL ever
How often are people packing usable Red's from FUT Champs?