Maybe some of you don't know about this like me, but these four vendors sell older Trading post stuff for a discount
23 enemies
Help with a new build
Starting a new build
Is there a point to spamming Delves below T8 if you can't do it just yet?
Framerate CHUGGING during raid fights
Siesbarg mount
Question about god rolls
Haven't read the Title Update notes, but we can now get appearance slots from a random loot chest?
Full scarlet Plate wearing shaman (still can’t transmog)
Can I get my skins back?
Decreasing yields FS22?
Hidden dragon pet quest
Balance of Power
So idk, if something like this happens to you, but don't change your mask appearance to Umbra Initiative or it will bug your mask and you will no longer be able to mod it/ as you can see other masks work
Ehm, that's not how a famas works
Not getting the second control points for the manhunt.
How does the covenant armor transmog work
Meanwhile in Apparel Event - Hunk's Day Off
Maybe I ain't into the holo vtuber thing, but... they do got good taste
Need help with this simple transmog, i'd love to change the Boots and the Legs
Did my watch go rogue on me?
Ain't nobody killing this guy from behind