We all hate _________!
I eat _______ for breakfast.
Spirits, Who is the worst person currently alive?
What's a good country loved by the fans?most upvoted comment wins btw
He's alive
What do you all think of this dough chromatic?
There was one Player that IS being mean to me
What the hell is this name
What does "being immortalised" mean?
Has this happened to anyone else?
You can only experience _____ in America
Uh oh
Android update
Is this a bug?
there are only ____ genders
Free mods or die
The child is homophobic
Why wont civilizations go to some islands?
This is what happens when China makes South Korea communist (Both of them mean North Korea, this is Turkish)
What is this?
Does anyone know what this H Bot difficulty do ? after playing it it just like the very easy bot but the bot expand slower ?
What's the cleanest border y'all seen?
When you win a war against all these kingdoms
Would your avatar fit well in my OC universe?