Turning Small Dips into BiG Gains - My 1k into 17k journey
Trade live with me!
1k into 17.5k
1k into 16k - Challenge Update
1k nuggies into 16k nuggies
Starting options trading with only $10k. Is it even worth it?
Looking for a Trading community - any active chats/groups?
1k into 14k - challenge update
$1k into 12k in 3 weeks - Challenge update
1k nuggies to 14k nuggies
1k tendies into 12k tendies
I love tech companies!
Live account finally created!
1k nuggies into 9k nuggies
$1k into 8k in 3 weeks
700% in 3 weeks!
1k-25k challenge progress so far
Finally moved to live!
30 green days incoming!
$1K to $25K Challenge – Day 14 ✅ Up 470%! 🚀
Full Time Traders, how do you pay yourself?
If someone ask you what do you do for a living, what do you say?
Nearing the Milestone for 100% Withdrawals on TopStep – Treating Trading Like a Business