WTF Just happened to my Demo?!?!
Vaporwave Engie. So i got a couple of ideas for him but didn't know what to add to him. If you have better ideas/suggestions i'm all ears for that
Dapper Noel completely destroyed every single "Santa Hat + All Father" cosmetic combo ever.
Magnum H.W.G
Update on vaporwave medic. If you guys have any idea for the head part ill appreciatte it.
Ok y'all here's all my costumes(with names for the weapons)
Rate my cosplay
yarrrr rate me garments landlubbers
Chat, what have I cooked?
Rate their fit part 2 ( I suck at pyro)
Guess who i made?
Left 4-tress 2
Does this look menacing enough?
Shave or Keep?
how can i make my engie (or soldier) look like the delivery guy from money for nothing
The High School Bully
i would like suggestions to make Joshua graham loadout on medic
I basically won scream fortress, any ideas for good loadouts with it?
Since a lot of people have been saying i look like Mr. Beast (Old pic of mine)
Need to know if i look good with a moustache or not (M21) Don't want to look like i'm older or something
Just wanted to post again here after a long time
Miami Vice Loadouts
Updating the purple soldier want to know which looks good or if I should add something rlse