We Use Emojis as Indicators/Keys that mean something in our List & Documents. Why do they look so Terrible & Blurry in Firefox? It actually hurts my eyes. Google Docs.
Isha is out! Vote for your next least favorite character. Link to voting in the comments!
Current fiddlesticks build sucks. Help me change it.
Champions organised by how many ways they can stop your drain
I’m not mad at Prison Mike (Player 453) for getting $223k
Battle of AI
My iPhone threw this pic of my last bout of hand foot and mouth disease into my memories. Having a toddler is great!
What do you think of this tanky build? Situationally I'll take haste boots or swifties some times depending on matchup. Banshee and zhonya are also situational options.
I noticed that even though I have been playing this game for years, I have not tried this lady yet. Those who have played it, do you recommend her?
I run this new page on fiddle and i want opinions about this. I have some changes in mind such as waterwalking than scorch for better speed but also i want to know if we pick inspiration instead of domination
Damn I never knew we were supposed to have immunity to disease. Damn Pfizer ruined it
Fiddle runes?
how accurate is this?
what were these ducks doing?
Why do you do it
It insists upon itself
Why is my Chrome saying the Pushbullet Extension is no longer supported?
(spoilers S2 ep6) why can jinx never be happy
Effigy use?
Tell me your favorite animal...
I want opinion about 6 cost units ( especially this patch )
Did anyone else hate the arm at first ?
Not chill anymore
How to stop EditorSceneManager.playModeStartScene when running PlayMode tests?