Take-Two reconfirms that Grand Theft Auto VI will release this Fall
Does anyone ever visit the Music Locker anymore?
What is the figure doing? (Wrong answers only)
It seems that the Skoda VGT had its HP greatly nerfed
New Weekly Challenges
The Living Legend
After almost 24 years, I finally got Klonoa 2 (arrived via mail)!
I'll admit, Kiff is one of my favorite shows there is (as an adult who used to watch cartoons back in the 90s as a kid as well)
When you visit Saint Mark's (after completing Sayonara Salvatore)
New Weekly Challenges (January - Week 5)
Where's the McLaren F1?
DeviantArt Has Fell Off.
Cars I used for Weekly Challenges (January - Week 4)
That one, narrow section of Bosnia and Herzegovina
I know Micah gets a lot of hate, but Otis is just as equally detestable, especially with the way he was slowly cooking Uncle alive in the most depraved manner in Red Dead history
Who is he? (Wrong answers only)
Fandom has devolved to a completely unusable state
Why is the fucking search bar on the top left and not where the character window is this is without a doubt the worst up to date version of Fandom I have ever come across in Fandom’s entire existence and history
Check out my wiki
push notification in wrong langues
Cars that I used for the Weekly Challenges (and sometimes rules are made to be broken for the Group C Special Event, of course)
Manhattan wins a hotly contested best level award for THUG1! What’s the best level from the sequel, Tony Hawk’s Underground 2?
To the keen-eyed fans of VC/VCS, how did you paid attention to signs that Lance Vance was a liability to his brother Vince, as wellas signs that he was going to betray Tommy Vercetti?
Forgotten yet underrated Tekken fighters
Made fanmade Super Eurobeat cover art for Gran Turismo