Do it
What anime moment left you in such disbelief, shock, or surprise, it made you look like this?
(Saiki won almost unanimously last round) Who would say "I won't mind if you freeze my poptart"?
how… lewd 😂😭
Loid and Yor doing a kickflip
Happy birthday to me.. ig
We all have created stories in our head
Kaido won last round! (Sorry he couldn't be saved for the bottom row) Who would say "How DARE you freeze my poptart!"?
Favourite scene in Anime that made you cry a river?
Realistically Bro's creepy
What’s your opinion on this dude, my guy, bro. 💀
What's your favourite mangaka?
What's the best romance anime?
I love this panel so I tried to draw it
Did anyone else get emotional during this scene or was it just me?
What Anime characters that look goofy but are absolute menaces
if i recommend you One Piece then what your reply?
What anime does "It insists upon itself." for you?
How do you collect karma on Reddit?
What was the theme playing when Eren kissed Historia’s hand?
There's a storm and Kaido is scared. Who would be telling him to "Just stop being scared"? (Box 4)
Subject 7: Anya, Subject 8: Bond
Which Anime Have You Not Emotionally Recovered From?
People calling him Twink of Tata ?!? What do y'all think ? 😭🧐