Can we tell jewels that piggy ain’t happening
I just don't understand though...
Caught this when I paused to get up for a second
Unrealistic Guest Judge?
How are you guys washing your squishmallows?
Bets as to how long that'll ladt
Games with the most bullsh*t way to obtain ultimate weapons
What are they going to do with all the "F Trudeau" flags and bumper stickers?
Newly announced father here, what’s something you wish you’d known that you know now. GO.
Tiffin Kitchen - Windermere Closed.
The last two games you've played on the Switch are a crossover between, how random is it?
Is it worth starting FFX if I have a max 2 hours a day to game?
What’s on your list for home improvement in 2025?
Could Columbine have been prevented if the students were given creatine?
The episode title on Crave
What should the theme be for next season?
Man came to door at 10pm
My teachers made me cry over the number of syllables in the word "real."
Houses built neck to neck! How is this allowed?
I can't even
What's a movie you love, despite knowing it's not very good?
Just Watched The Traitors (US) and Have A Lot of Questions
Insurance claim for damage or not?
Episode Discussion - S16E10
Lowlife Behaviour of Costco Patrons