What is your longest session?
The winner of the most underrated song - Locomotive! Next up, what is GNR’s most overrated song???
songs that mention the sun or the moon
Songs about real people in history
songs that start with “1 2 3 4”
hi, can somebody help me identify this green friend? Sorry if it’s a spider and not a bug
Songs that are awful in terms of content
Do you have a favorite "epic" song?
Do you have artists that you love 90+% of their discography?
How would y'all react if 1.22 (or any update) was a space update?
Hardest match I’ve played so far. Can y’all tell?
Songs that reference true crime
Who’s that one famous person you got one sided beef with?
What is an underrated or underappreciated Guns N' Roses song that you like?
Gimme beautifully grotesque songs
What film can you watch over and over again without getting sick of it?
Name the artist you love most and what draws you to them
The Crunge won for least favorite song! Next, comment your vote for most underrated song on Houses of the Holy 🤘
I'm not A-sexual, I'm ____
Rock and Roll won for most overrated! Moving on, comment your favorite song on Houses of the Holy🤘
What cover song was better than the original in any genre?
Most played song in your life?
Describe a Guns N' Roses song very poorly
What are your favorite movies with a slow-building sense of unease?
What movie or moment from a movie disturbed you to your core?