Who's next?
Canadian's died fighting along Americans
Do healthcare professionals really forget what people look like naked? Trying to shake this embarrassment.
Cancel U S trip
Does anyone else wish we had the option to “opt out” of Christmas?
He loves snow! :D
let me draw your pet
Anyone Need Moving Boxes?
Shoes on inside the house...yay or nay?
Show me your dogs !! I’ll draw them <3
My friends are pissed at me cos I don’t believe in god
Ready for Valentine’s Day?
Finished it just in time
Who has a job requiring them to work through the holidays, and who has the week off?
Strange *idk what this is* came out of me when on period.
Sock Stealing Guard Dog
Lulu is scoping out the new snowfall. She actually likes to play in it.
Xuxa always looks like she’s waiting for an answer
This take is a load of barnacles!
Winter Ready
Throw your dogs at me so I can doodle them!
“The List” of the horrors of pregnancy and childbirth
Is there really no point in surgery?
Meet Chester 🐶
Sock Thief Caught in Action