Tell me who this is without saying his name.
Some fan art of Xanafied William (excuse my amateurish art 😅)
Cursed cosplay
So, I just got finished crying, and decided to google "Code Lyoko Plushies" Big mistake on my part 😭
What are your Code Lyoko headcanons?
What monster is most scary/disgustingly disturbing to you with its design alone?To me its gotta be Mega Tank.
What is the game on Roblox you used to spent hundred of hours on?
What you look like based on your favorite Roblox games
Give me Ideas!
What's an underrated game you reccomend?
What song is this
I feel like something's off idk (WIP homescreen)
Rate my Homescreen set-up (also the trash icon for twitter wasn't my idea I'm not original lmao)
What song got you like
Shut the fuck up
Heya, looking for some angsty original work fics
My neighbor, everyone. He parks like this when his wife isn't home and moves it back when she's back so they can both park on one of the few spots with shade. This has been happening for months already and the administration doesn't do anything about it.
0% and "charging"
W/L ?
What insult have your parents said, that is stuck in your head as an adult?
Describe your mental health with a video game
My roommate uses my towels to wipe her makeup off
Sorry schlatt
Did anyone else notice this?