Top 5 trippiest and least trippiest Off The Air episodes
What Are Some Ideas For Bits You Guys Have Had For Jackass?
Favorite TV show stunts?
what is your favorite stunt from the jackass movies?
Thoughts on Adult Swim’s Jackass-based reality TV show Loiter Squad
What are some PG episodes of Off The Air?
TV-PG episodes I can show my kids?
Did anybody miss the old Hanna-Barbera backgrounds from the first two seasons.
Your top 5 favorite episodes...
Best music/song on Off The Air?
If you were going to introduce OTA to someone who hasn’t seen it by telling describing it to them, what would it be?
Best Off The Air episode?
What are some chill Off The Air episodes to sleep on
Whats your favorite episode of Off The Air?
What is your favorite Adult Swim show?
What are the best Eric Andre episodes to introduce someone to the show?