Who remembers this ;)
Mega Latias 632292205615
Mega Latias, 2 Locals 632292205615
Mega Latias Raid 632292205615
Make sure you claim your free tag!:)
Offering giveaway. Looking for nothing
Offering Cosmog. Looking for nothing. Guess how many hours defending Gyms I have. Winner tomorrow.
Giveaway! Looking for :) offering this.
Armored Mewtwo Giveaway. Looking for Giveaway Winner. Offering Armored Mewtwo. Guess which country this Armored Mewtwo was caught. First person guess it right win. End on GMT+0,09:00AM Nov29.
Looking for giveaway offering gmax toxtricity first guy who guesses my favorite number gets it (registed instant unregisted 30 days) tip: its not over 999
Can Thrash detain Iso while in his ult ?
I'm a VALORANT lore fanatic. Ask me anything about LORE.
Giratina on me 632292205615
Giratina Raid 632292205615 Adding 5
Lf: nothing Offering: All shiny Emolga, Necrozma, Groudon, Lunatone
Kyogre raid on me 632292205615
Kyogre on me 632292205615
FT I have way too much resources from the comm day so I'll max out a shiny metagross for u to level 50. Looking for any random shiny legendary
Ho oh Raid - 3 of us on locally add 825258899692, 992791908920, 412386897563
Shadow Entei raid 632292205615
SHADOW ENTEI ON ME 632292205615
Shadow Entei on me 6322 9220 5615. Adding 5
Giveaway (details in the post)