There's an article here somewhere, I think
Am I the only one or what
I’m so happy
Please let us save our bullet board messages!
One of my favorite things about Online play. Finding the awesome and creative notes random people leave for me! Keeping these forever lol
HELP - Removing custom designed clothing?
Taika Waititi Courted for Star Wars Movie (Exclusive)
Kicking the New Year off right!
T-85 x-wing
I’m suddenly starting to regret my choice to back HW3 with 50 dollars....
Official Homeworld Lore?
Dear Gearbox/BBI, please don't ignore HW:C's lore like in HW2.
Homeworld merch is up.
Everything we know about Homeworld 3 so far (which, granted, isn’t much)
Into the lion's den...
Got my hands on a little something something
I give up never getting the armored mewtwo
The goals/mailbox desperately needs to be streamlined.
Limitations of AR+ / Pokemon placement for photos
Time to hunt for these beautiful shiny in these mega nests!!
NY Torchic CD starts in 20min. Anyone knows if there's any sunny weather within the same timezone?
I can’t throw a freaking excellent curveball. Suggestions?
Boring old Pidgey
Homeworld Community Soundtracks?