Either Audio Technica or Fluance are a good place to start
First Ever Record Player! Ain’t She A Beauty?!?!?
Why do billionaires want/need tax cuts?
Thought this was kinda funny
Why do conservatives care so much about making laws against trans people?
Favorite underrated no skip album
Recommend a speaker "switcher" box?
Favorite song from Nevermind by Nirvana?
Saw this at my local spot
What's a movie that would've been considered amazing on it's own if it wasn't compared to a similar, more well-received film?
Name me a film where one of the actors was clearly in it for a paycheck, and therefore makes the movie either irritating or hilarious to watch as a result of them half-assing it
Please Use FB Marketplace
Which movie is that for you?
How to avoid or get rid of static?
If you are in the market for a new Fluance turntable better get it today. Based in Canada you can expect prices to rise by about 25% soon.
Do you actually use your home theatre??
To Bluetooth or not?
Why is Boba Fett considered so cool among the fans ?
Raise your hand if you love getting stoned/high and listening to your vinyl
Your 45s?
Why were the Prequels hated then, but are Loved now.
First Ever Record Player Purchase! How’d I Do?
Old lady names that are not delicate flowers
Is there a simpler, greater Guitar riff than Stone Temple Pilots’ “Vasoline”?