In your experience, which Stern pins would you say require the most or least maintenance?
Pinball appreciation post - the littlest things
Fans of the James Bond pin, what exactly do you enjoy about it?
RUMOR: Stern Pinball to Release Walking Dead Remastered Later in 2025
Art appreciation post: what pin has your absolute favorite visual design?
I’ve been trying to hit 20 mil for a few months
Stern Pinball D&D LE and Premiums are burning up stop using them.
What makes a good machine to you?
I really enjoy when my daughters ask to if they can teach their friends about pinball.
What is your all-time favorite pinball machine?
TSPP Reboot?
A brave boy.
I keep hearing about Pins that have bad code, but is there one you would say has good code?
This is actually insane
Brainstorm a He-Man pin with me!
Brian Eddy’s Sterns get too much crap.
Stern Insider: What are the % ranges for high scores
Found this in an old abandoned hospital
Jurassic Park Tree Calibration - this is highly specialized, I called in an expert
Venom is a flow master! Second day with a venom premium and it is a blast and fast!
Favorite Pinball Designs/Designers
Is it just me or does it feel like there is a lack of “diversity” of modern pins in the Chicagoland area?
Dog Haus Biergarten, West Town, Chicago, IL
Do you have any advice for a 1st time buyers?