How can this be fixed?
Is this a Hans Boss?
Who's winning this battle?
Me after not understanding the AI module and going back to clean alien toilets
You hate us cause u ain’t us.
Will you play Civ 7?
Let’s do this: according to 2WE4U, what/who would be on the front and the back of the €5 note?
Ireland hasn’t even begun to peak
Mass Effect 5: BioWare Doesn't 'Require Support From the Full Studio', EA Moves Some Staff to Other Teams
Austria has a point here
{real} Charlie threatening the feds on behalf of his rotten orange leader.
Tekken players VS NBA2K players
“The Super Destroyer is the only reason helldivers stand any chance”
Most philosophical Nordick
Who's you favorite European Queen? Best tiara? Best botox?
For Greenland!
"Make Europeans Dangerous Again" flag in Prague. (Volt Czechia advocating for a federal Europe)
Hourly wages in WE
Sweden lul
Where is this?
Explain Farage's 'brilliant' plan to capture Britain but with only wrong answers.
Übertreibt er jetzt? Elon Musk mischt sich in Klassensprecherwahl der 5b am Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium Braunschweig ein
The most handsome G*rm
No hard feelings
After losing 60lbs my legs do this after long periods of inactivity
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