Grocery stores that actually enforce health standards?
What do you use to tighten these nuts?
How did he get away with it for so long
Is it possible that AI might possibly not take off the way we think it will?
They should put the Prophet 6 in Take 5 format.
I haven’t read the series in this light, but I’m not a literary critic, I suppose
Summit for £1150 or Polybrute for £1500 ?
I dream about my wife’s dead best friend every night and it is ruining my marriage.
Unknown schematic labels/too many headers...
How did we even get here with cat food?
[KY] Does DOGE violate the appointments clause? [US con law/admin law]
are Prophet rev2's two individual layers able to Tx/Rx different midi channels?
Why doesn't Elon have to be confirmed by the congress?
People who think all these tariffs are beneficial for the US, why?
Prophet 6, 10, X, Arturia Polybrute or OB 6?
Proof of irrational root
how is behringer able to clone all these synths without getting sued?
Why does everything that economists say that are bad sound amazing to me?
Genuinely, why do some people get so pressed when a woman says she is scared to be with random men who are strangers
Fenneko and I.. again. Is this level of filth normal within 2 or 3 days?
How's your ground plane game?
Converting 5v clock/gate —> 9v
Did Maturin take a deliberate dive in The Surgeon's Mate?
Crusader Kings 3 in 2036