Wtf is wrong with me??
I’m forever changed. (F24)
Denied volunteer work because of epilepsy
Why are people more scared of me having a seizure than i am?
Have You Felt Shame After having a TC?
Am I the problem
Anyone ever like “i wish i had a seizure rn”
How do you know you've had a seizure if no one tells you?
Seizure type
My Dr called me immature?
I feel hopeless
Epilepsy and Exams
Funny alternative names for epileptic fits. And Go!
Diagnosed at 15 yo, is my life cooked? I need help!
Husband thinks he can go snowboarding with focal seizures
Why do people take some of these meds recreationally?
New diagnosis for my daughter, I’m spiraling…
I dont like my neurologist
Can you just develop epilepsy at 20 years old? Doctors keep trying to convince me I have, but I don’t think so
I don’t have epilepsy, but doctors keep trying to convince me I do
Tiny seizures
Consuming Drugs
People with Epilepsy living alone
I have Epilepsy
Question from a parent