Is my prom dress ugly?
I’m 18F and my bf 18M is against me joining the military. How do you know when to leave?
do women want a guy to text every day?
I have to leave my bf
Everyone is in a relationship and I am not.
my mac and cheese melted in the microwave
Make the comments look like his search history
What's his name
Cant believe I drew this as a freshman
what vibes do i give off?
Guy becoming a priest was asking for nudes
should i ever tell my family about my atheism?
Hey gang, it's me.
I think these guys are "the ones" and this is what normal holiday weekends would may look with them together. not a bad ep
Rate Rory's main love interests from Gilmore Girls
This man looks like Jackson in his free time lmao
Does anyone else really not like Gran?
Why does everyone compliment Emily on the dinners when she doesn't make any of the food?
It is interesting how deeply Luke takes to heart Jess’s tirade about him interfering and making everything worse
Putting this here so it can be cemented forever
What is one character you can’t stand and why?
My best friend is becoming self obsessed and different
nobody said happy birthday to me today, is this normal between friends?
My friend chooses older people and is acting like them.